The Lynn Valley LINK
The Lynn Valley LINK is to showcase the depth and breadth of existing trails and provide an overview of the trail network in Lynn Valley by focusing on the connections around and through the community.
The LINK will connect existing circumference trails in Lynn Valley such as the Baden Powell and Power Line Trails, and will feature alternative routes from these trails to bring both residents and visitors to the restaurants and commercial centre.
The Lynn Valley LINK Committee, composed of DNV Parks staff and LVCA members, wants to update the trail’s supporters and the Lynn Valley public with the progress to date on the previously named Lynn Valley Loop Trail. The LINK was approved by DNV Council in 2016 and work has been progressing steadily since to make the LINK a reality.
The project has been divided into two phases:
2017 – Phase 1: Connecting Perimeter Trails around Lynn Valley.
2018 – Phase 2: Connecting Trails through Lynn Valley.
The Phase 1 Perimeter Trail is mostly in place. The only outstanding area to be finalized is in the northwest area where the LV LINK comes off the Baden Powell Trail and then joins up with the Power Line Trail. A suitable route is being determined that will not conflict with the heavy mountain bike use and trails in the northwest area.
Kiosk signage at five main staging and parking areas have been designed by the DNV and the LVCA is providing historical content that will reflect some of the history of the various areas of Lynn Valley. Suitable photos are being selected from the North Vancouver Archives.
Trail signage will feature the LINK logo and is easily consistent and distinguishable from other trail signage. Current trail signage will remain. Parks employees expect to have the LINK perimeter trail signage in place by the end of summer 2017.
While the current budget will get the project started, the committee is also working on fundraising for the Lynn Valley LINK.
On May 13, 2017 the annual Lynn Valley Park Project will focus on the Power Line section (near Mountain Highway) of the LINK that needs restoration.