Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage – and Parking Lot Sale

The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back! Two days of bargain hunting May 27 & 28, 9:30AM – noon (although you’re welcome to start earlier and end later!) – and a garage is not necessary to participate!

The team at LynnValleyLife is putting together the ultimate map for bargain hunters. If you are thinking spring garage sale – this is the weekend to do it!  LynnValleyLife will gather participant addresses and distribute the map on social media and by email. They will even have some signs you can print off to direct buyers to your block.

No garages need – there’s a parking lot sale

Not everyone has a garage, so LynnValleyLife has partnered with St. Clements Anglican Church (3400 Institute Road) to offer their parking lot for the morning of Saturday, May 28th – to bring a table or use your trunk to sell your items. To sign up for a parking lot spot at the church, please email To register your address, visit the SIGN UP form.

Artists and Makers are welcome!

Increased neighbourhood traffic might also be an opportunity for crafters or makers to show their wares. If you want to open your driveway or garage to show your handiwork – you too can sign up with your ‘garage’ address or for a parking lot spot. You will be added to the map!

Author Talk: Roxanne Davies at the Lynn Valley Public Library

Join local author Roxanne Davies as she talks about her new book, The Blue Riviera.

*Copies of the book will be available to buy (cash only), with the proceeds going to charities helping Ukrainian refugees.

Roxanne says “The Blue Riviera: A Daughter’s Investigation is the narrative nonfiction story of Sally Tomiuk, my mother, the hero of her own story, looked at through the prism of my emotions. Sally died young under mysterious circumstances when I, her only child, was eight. The events in my book have taken me sixty years to experience and two years to write. This is also the story of a Ukrainian-Canadian immigrant— a story of hard work, illness, love, and betrayal. What happens to an immigrant family when their dreams turn into a nightmare? My book will appeal to those interested in the Canadian immigrant experience, Montreal in the 1950s, and family relationships.”

Roxanne is a graduate of Concordia University, where she earned a BA in History and Literature.  She comes from a family of entrepreneurs.  Her family opened one of Montreal’s first health food stores in 1965. Her first paid job was sorting okra in Florida as 12-year-old. She has worked as a newspaper reporter, art gallery manager, health researcher, adult education program manager and marketing consultant. She loves reading biographies and seems to have found her niche writing memoirs. THE BLUE RIVIERA, a Daughter’s Investigation is her fourth book.

Register online to guarantee your space and receive an event reminder. 

Drop-in spaces may also be available. Call 604-984-0286, ext. 8144 for more information.