Report a Crime Online

#DYK that you can report Non-emergency crimes online using the North Van RCMP’s online reporting tool?

This service is an alternative way for you to report non-emergency crimes day and night without having to visit or call a detachment. The report you submit is reviewed and entered into the RCMP Records Management System by your local detachment.

An incident number will be included in a generated report that is emailed to you upon submission. However, there will be no follow up unless more information is required.

For FAQ’s & to find out which incident types are applicable, visit:

Your report is vital in assisting the RCMP with identifying crime trends in the community and deterring future crimes.

To report a non-emergency crime, visit:

If it is an emergency such as a crime in progress, or you’re in need of emergency responders, don’t hesitate – dial 911 immediately.