We’re on Instagram!

LVCA is on Instagram!

Follow us and see more of what we do at here at Lynn Valley Community Association.
We’ll have exciting posts to share with you, so make sure you won’t miss out on anything.

Click the link below and check it out! Don’t forget to follow 😉


We’re also on Facebook so make sure you like our page to keep up to date with events and news in our community. https://www.facebook.com/lynnvalleycommunityassociation/

As you know, LVCA is a volunteer run organization so there might be a learning curve. *smile* If you’re proficient at social media and know your way around, we’d love to have you on the team.

#OurLynnValleyCommunity #patience #volunteersalwaysneeded

Dogs, People and Parks

In keeping with the guidance in the Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Plan 2012, the North Vancouver District is working to continue developing guidelines for parks and trail planning that promote safety and enjoyment for all.

They have heard many comments and requests from the community that relate to dogs in District Parks. Along with a desire to create new opportunities to recreate with dogs in parks, they also hear about conflicts relating to interactions with dogs, waste management, environmental concerns and more.

The District wants to hear from you whether you are a dog owner or not.

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete all sections. Most questions are optional so you don’t have to answer every question, however, click through to the end of the survey to ensure your responses are submitted.

Deadline DECEMBER 5TH.


And the Winner is …

With the last ornament packed away. lights wrapped, carpets rolled up and the stands and sand bags tucked away for another year, we finally get down to the challenging task of counting the ballots and announcing a winner for Best Overall Tree.

The Parade of Trees once again extended onto the plaza at Lynn Valley Centre, so there were multiple places that collected votes.

It took a bit of time to gather everything and tally up.

We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting the results so without further ado, here they are . . . *drumroll please*

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300 Coffee Cards Campaign


Outreach workers at the North Shore Lookout Society use coffee cards to encourage people without homes to make social connections, access vital health and well being services.

Last year when LVCA shared that there were people experiencing homelessness in our community, you showed incredible generosity and community spirit by donating hundreds of bags of blankets, coats, warm socks, hats and gloves. The Shelter nearly ran out of storage space! It was awesome!

Let’s be awesome again . . .

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Heritage Award Winners!

Each year, the District of North Vancouver recognizes and honours special projects and accomplishments in the field of heritage conservation with Community Heritage Awards.

Lynn Valley Community Association (LVCA) is proud to be awarded the 2020 Heritage Advocacy Award for the Lynn Valley LINK trail kiosks.

Through the hard work of LVCA volunteers and district parks staff – and the leadership of local residents Suzanne and Gabriel Mazoret, the LINK started in 2016 with the initial opening on September 16th, 2017 and was completed at the end of 2019.

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All Candidates Meeting

Additional Candidate Questions and Responses

Thank you again to all of you who attended the All Candidates Meeting on October 9th, 2018.

Due to the large number of candidates, time was very short and questions had to be kept to a minimum. As promised, we forwarded unasked questions to the candidates to respond to. Here are the responses that we have received to date. Continue reading