Batteries Don’t Belong in the Trash

Single-use household batteries should never be thrown in the general garbage or recycling bin because they contain hazardous chemicals and materials, such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and lithium, which can be harmful to the environment and human health AND if not disposed of properly, batteries can explode or ignite fires in garbage trucks or waste facilities.

Alkaline (non-rechargeable) batteries are included in our province-wide recycling program provided by Call2Recycle. Batteries can be returned to participating retail stores, as well as some recycling depots and transfer stations.

Types of batteries accepted include consumer batteries used in items such as toys, remotes, flashlights and smoke detectors. Technical terms for these would be alkaline (AA, AAA, 9V), rechargeable (Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Li-Ion), button cells, carbon zinc, lithium primary and small seal lead acid batteries.

What batteries can be recycled?
Recycle Your Batteries, Canada! manages the collection and recycling of single-use and rechargeable dry-cell household batteries (weighing up to 5 kg each). This includes e-mobility batteries used on devices such as e-bikes and e-scooters.

Not sure what type of batteries you have?

To learn about the different types of batteries that can be recycled and find the nearest recycling depot that accepts these batteries, visit: Recycle Your Batteries Canada!

First Aid Training

First Aid Courses

If you want to be ready for almost any emergency, first aid training is essential. DYK? St. John Ambulance provides training in First Aid, CPR, AEDs and related fields, along with selling first aid kits and supplies.

St John Ambulance has been updating their courses to meet new requirements from WorkSafeBC. If you need first aid training for your job or work environment, the new Standard, Intermediate, and Advanced first aid courses may be exactly what you are looking for. They also have courses for those of us just wanting to be prepared and informed. And it doesnt’ hurt to take a refresheer course!

Many of the classes are available at St. John Ambulance’s North Shore office at 223 Mountain Highway, (Main St. and Mntn Hwy behind Wendy’s and Chevron) with additional teaching locations across Metro Vancouver. Some classes are taught completely online or in a hybrid format (online and in-person). Classes are taught year round, so you can find one that works with your schedule.

Costs vary with the specific subjects. We recommend you visit their website for current course offerings and pricing.

For more information, visit St. John Ambulance online:
(866) 321-2651 x 1290
Office Hours Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Adopt a Street Program

Did you Know you can Adopt A Street?

By volunteering to adopt a street or trail and regularly collecting litter you improve the neighbourhood for everyone. It can be a family affair, including kids in the process, and you’ll get a bit of exercise as well. It’s easy to do, and you are sure to meet a few appreciative neighbours while you are out doing the job.

The District supplies trash grabbers, hi-vis vests, and some garbage bags to get you started. The minimum commitment is only once a month, but you can do it more often.

This is a great opportunity for community associations, local businesses, schools, sports teams, individuals, and families to make a difference in our community. You can even challenge and inspire other groups or neighbours to see who can keep the cleanest street.

When you adopt a street, you can:

  • build a stronger sense of community in your neighbourhood
  • get to know your neighbours
  • improve your street
  • reduce litter, vandalism, and crime in your area

Do we have any volunteers willing for LVCA to adopt a street? Let us know! We’ll for a ‘posse’ and head out!

All the information can be found here:…/adopt-street-program


December 4th from 4:00-5:00PM in Lynn Valley Village

We are so excited to once again kick off this fabulous event with our outdoor lighting ceremony in the Village! We’ve missed it these past couple years so it’s really wonderful to have it back.

Join us at the lighting ceremony for the Parade of Trees on December 4th from 4 – 5 pm, with the lighting at 4:45 pm, with Mayor Mike Little and MLA Susie Chant.

There will be face painting, balloon twisting, a scavenger hunt for the kid and musical entertainment from the Black Bear Band.

Pssst! Also, a surprise finale after the lighting so stick around!

NVRC’s Lantern parade will be at 4:25 pm.

The event is outdoor only and put on with support from North Vancouver Recreation & Culture, Lynn Valley Village, Lynn Valley Centre, Twin Lions Contracting Ltd., Rona, North Vancouver District and the The Great Canadian Landscaping Company Ltd.

Proceeds from this year’s Parade of Trees will go to the Harvest Project.

BECOME A SPONSOR! (there’s still time! Click here and scroll down the page to the registration link)

Sponsoring a tree is a perfect opportunity to promote your business and/or organization, and at the same time, build a stronger community here in Lynn Valley.

It’s coming! The Lynn Valley Community Association 2022 Parade of Trees!

It’s been challenging these last couple of years, but with the help of volunteers, some creative thinking and the support from our community, we were able to install eighty (yes, 80!) decorated Christmas trees for a sell-out Annual Parade of Trees for both 2020 and 2021.  We’re planning to sell out again this year!

Psssst! And our Tree Lighting Ceremony is back as well!

It’s a new year and we’re working to make it as special as always.

Lynn Valley Village and the Lynn Valley Centre Plaza will once again be transformed into an illuminated forest of beautifully decorated trees adding that touch of Christmas spirit.

We are very grateful to all the businesses, clubs, churches, organizations, families, individuals and schools who continue to support this event and bring a little magic to our community each year. 

Do you have your tree?

We’ll be posting the tree sponsors here and on our Facebook page. Stay tuned!


We’re looking for members in our community who have an hour or two to give in helping setup and take down. If this is you, or you’d like more information, contact us at with the subject line “Tree Volunteer”

For more information Click here for all the details!

Sewer Upgrades along Mountain Hwy

In the coming weeks, work will beginning to replace the sewer on Mountain Hwy between approximately East 24th and East 18th Street.

The District of North Vancouver has identified that the sanitary trunk sewer along Mountain Hwy is nearing its end of useful life and is due for replacement. The new trunk sewer will be installed using micro-tunneling methods meant to be less disruptive, less expensive and more environmentally friendly compared to traditional methods.

We’ve attached a PDF of the letter and map of the area to be worked on from the District, outlining the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ but the ‘when’ (duration) will depend. Apparently it will take one year to complete. They expect to keep one lane of traffic open in each direction for the duration.

Note that vehicle access to and from East 20th Street via Mountain Hwy will be closed.

Updates can be found at : and if you have any questions or concerns about this project, you can contact the project team directly by email at: or by phone (604) 990-2450.

DNV Letter and Map PDF

Did You Know?

Hallowe’en has always been a holiday filled with mystery, magic and superstition. It began as a Celtic end-of-summer festival – Samhain, during which people felt especially close to relatives and friends who had passed. For these friendly spirits, they set places at the dinner table, left treats on doorsteps and along the side of the road and lit candles to help loved ones find their way back to the spirit world.

Continue reading

All Candidates Meetings – Recordings

It’s important that you have as much information as possible when it comes time to vote.

We’ve posted the links to three recordings of ACMs that recently took place. Take a moment, grab a cup of coffee and maybe the neighbours and watch the videos. Your vote is your voice so make it heard on October 15th.

These recordings are not professionally produced – they were taken by volunteers and members of each of the communities so please keep that in mind when viewing.

*we apologize to incumbent, Trey Bell that during the the transition to the second part of the LVCA ACM recording, the opening statement was not recorded.

In chronological order:

Seymour, October 4th

Seymour ACM video link here

Lynn Valley, October 5th

LVCA ACM video link Part 1
LVCA ACM video link Part 2

Edgemont, October 7th

Edgemont ACM video link Part 1
Edgemont ACM video link Part 2

All Candidates Meeting registration

Join us as LVCA hosts an All Candidates meeting on October 5th, 7pm at the Lynn Valley Rec Centre.

This is your chance to meet the candidates running for (re)election in the District of North Vancouver.who are hoping for your vote in the election for Council.    

As space is limited, we appreciate you registering in advance and telling us your (2) two top questions/concerns you would like addressed at this meeting. 


** Registration Form **

We look forward to seeing you! 

If you want change in your community, become educated on who you are voting for… don’t cast a vote just because you recognize a name.
