Annual Park Project
Saturday – May 13, 2017
Power Line Section of the Lynn Valley LINK
The Lynn Valley Community Association and the Lynn Valley Seniors Association are working together on the 2017 Lynn Valley Annual Park Project.
The location this year is the section of the Power Line Trail between Cedar Village Crescent and Mountain Highway, south of Kirkstone Road. Parking is available along Cedar Village Crescent. The Power Line Trail is a key component of the new Lynn Valley LINK which will go around and through Lynn Valley.
The Park Project will take place on:
- Saturday, May 13, 2017
- 9:00 am to 1:00 pm (come for all or part)
The focus of this community event will be on restoring this section of the trail under the Power Line. District crews with heavy equipment will go in ahead of time to restore the path and remove some of the major invasive species that have taken over. Then we will be doing basic gardening work, removing invasive plants, planting natural vegetation, cleaning litter and anything else that needs to be done with the direction and support of the DNV Parks Department.
Do join us for this fun and productive day. We have work for every level of physical ability but we won’t let anyone overdo it. Dress for the weather, as this is a rain-or-shine event! Sturdy boots or shoes, working clothes and gloves are recommended, as it could be muddy! Coffee and snacks will be provided but please bring your own water bottle.
For information, call Suzanne at 604 984 8401.