2024 All Candidates Meeting Oct. 7th

All Candidates Meeting
Monday, October 7th at 7:00 – 9:30pm
Hillside Baptist Church, 870 Lynn Valley Road

Mark your calendars for the All Candidates Meeting ahead of the Provincial election on October 19th! This is your chance to hear directly from the candidates, ask questions, and learn more about their platforms. No need to register—just show up and join the discussion. It’s a great opportunity to get informed and have your voice heard before election day!

What is an All-Candidates Meeting?
At an All-Candidates Meeting, residents have a chance to hear from the candidates, evaluate
political platforms, and ask questions about current issues. All nominees running for MP in a
particular district are invited to gather and share their views. These events are non-partisan,
meaning all political parties are invited and attendees get to hear about the issues from many
different perspectives. The focus may be broad and cover a range of issues, or be focused on
an issue of particular importance to the hosting group.

All Candidates Meetings – Recordings

It’s important that you have as much information as possible when it comes time to vote.

We’ve posted the links to three recordings of ACMs that recently took place. Take a moment, grab a cup of coffee and maybe the neighbours and watch the videos. Your vote is your voice so make it heard on October 15th.

These recordings are not professionally produced – they were taken by volunteers and members of each of the communities so please keep that in mind when viewing.

*we apologize to incumbent, Trey Bell that during the the transition to the second part of the LVCA ACM recording, the opening statement was not recorded.

In chronological order:

Seymour, October 4th

Seymour ACM video link here

Lynn Valley, October 5th

LVCA ACM video link Part 1
LVCA ACM video link Part 2

Edgemont, October 7th

Edgemont ACM video link Part 1
Edgemont ACM video link Part 2

All Candidates Meeting registration

Join us as LVCA hosts an All Candidates meeting on October 5th, 7pm at the Lynn Valley Rec Centre.

This is your chance to meet the candidates running for (re)election in the District of North Vancouver.who are hoping for your vote in the election for Council.    

As space is limited, we appreciate you registering in advance and telling us your (2) two top questions/concerns you would like addressed at this meeting. 


** Registration Form **

We look forward to seeing you! 

If you want change in your community, become educated on who you are voting for… don’t cast a vote just because you recognize a name.
