A huge WELCOME! to our newest members of the Lynn Valley Community Association! We are delighted to have you among us.
On behalf of all the members and the Board, we would like to extend our warmest welcome and good wishes!
We are thrilled to have you be a part of our local community and encourage you to share your knowledge and skillsets through volunteering either for the Board or on a committee.
Your membership is a great start to being a part of a vibrant community. We can’t wait to see all that you accomplish!
Reading this post and realize you’re not a member yet? It’s just a onetime registration of $20 that lasts for as long as you live in Lynn Valley. Family, friends or colleagues live in Lynn Valley? Encourage them to be a part of their local community association too.
Sign up here: https://lvca.ca/contact-us/membership/
P.S. When posting about our community on facebook, if you use the hashtag #OurLynnValleyCommunity our Social Media person can find it and choose to repost/share it here on our page.
Volunteering is a great way to tap into skill sets that are not always used in day to day work settings. Why not try your hand at something you’ve always wanted to do. It’s a great way to share your expertise!
If you are looking for ways to be involved, check below. You just might find something that makes you smile.
- Community Events Planning
- Community Development process
- Connecting People—Membership
- Parks and green space stewardship
- Youth initiatives
- Communication, newsletter, social media
We look forward to hearing from you!