2023 Annual LVCA Parade of Trees


Thank you so much to our sponsors for this year’s Parade of Trees! You are all amazing! If you weren’t able to sponsor a tree this year, email us to be put on the list for 2024.

Visit our facebook page for updates and pictures of our December 3rd Grand Lighting Ceremony.

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Be a part of the season’s excitement and support YOUR community and LVCA by creating an enchanting walk of beautifully decorated Christmas trees with your sponsorship!

For the past 13 years, the Lynn Valley Community Association has worked to bring people, families, businesses and schools, places of worship, associations and organizations together at the LVCA Christmas Parade of Trees which is now firmly established as a family favourite tradition.

Lynn Valley Village AND the Lynn Valley Centre Plaza (in front of Starbucks) will once again be transformed into an illuminated forest of beautifully decorated trees to add that touch of Christmas spirit.

TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY – December 3rd from 4:00-5:00PM

We are so excited to once again kick off this fabulous event with our outdoor lighting ceremony in the Village!

Join us at the lighting ceremony for the Parade of Trees on December 3rd from 4 – 5 pm, with the lighting at 4:45 pm. There will be face painting and crafts in the community room and a “flash mob” dance from the RNB dance troupe!

The event is put on with support from North Vancouver Recreation & Culture, Lynn Valley Village, Lynn Valley Centre, Twin Lions Contracting Ltd., Rona, and North Vancouver District .


Sponsoring a tree is a perfect opportunity to promote your business and/or organization, and at the same time, build a stronger community here in Lynn Valley.

The cost of sponsoring a 2023 tree is $200.

This includes a donation to this year’s beneficiary, Spectrum Mother’s Support Society.

Want to make a bigger impact?

Consider upgrading to the You + One level. For just $350, this sponsorship includes two (2) trees – one for yourself and one to be ‘gifted’ to a local elementary school or non-profit to decorate.

As a thank-you for your generosity, your name and/or logo will be included on event marketing material including social media. 


As a sponsor, you can brand your tree with your own sign rather than a generic one as in years past.


Once you’ve filled in the form and hit submit, if you wish to pay by credit card, return here and choose either “Individual” or “You + One”

Three easy payment options:

Etransfer to lynnvalleyca@gmail.com, with the security answer “Tree”.                           

Cheque to Lynn Valley Community Association, mailed to LVCA, 940 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, V7J 1Z7.                                                                                                               

CREDIT CARD PAYMENT*: please choose one of the following:

  • Individual Sponsorship (single tree @$208) CLOSED
  • “You + One” Sponsorship (2 trees @$362.25) CLOSED
*credit card payments include a third party processing fee


November 25th from 8AM – 12PM. We’re looking for members in our community who have an hour or two to give in helping setup (and take down at a later date!). If this is you, or you’d like more information, contact us at lynnvalleyca@gmail.com with the subject line “Tree Volunteer”

We are very grateful to all the businesses, clubs, churches, organizations, families, individuals and schools who continue to support this event and bring a little magic to our community each year.  We truly appreciate your support and community spirit!

Many thanks, The Lynn Valley Community Association


Thank you to all of you who made last year’s Parade of Trees a success. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Sponsored a tree? Here’s your decorating instructions! CLICK HERE