2024 AGM Nov. 7th

Lynn Valley Community Association AGM
Thursday, November 7th at 7:00pm
Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road

Mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting on November 7th. This is more than just a meeting, it’s your chance to shape the future of our community. Afterward, stay for an open Q&A session with Mayor Mike Little, where you can ask questions, share concerns, and engage in meaningful dialogue about what matters most to you.

How important is your community to you?

Whether you’re new to our neighbourhood or have been here all your life, you’re the reason we exist. If you missed the excitement of the Fall Fun Fair or are looking forward to hunting Easter Eggs and the amazing displays at our Christmas Tree Parade, these events show the heart of our neighborhood. They bring us together, and we want to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Your input helps us continue planning events that foster connection and keep our community thriving.
We’d love to meet you!

All are welcome to attend but a reminder that only members in good standing may vote.

Not a member? Click here to become one!


  1. Call to Order
  2. Proof of Notice
  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. Approval of Financial Reports
  5. Approval of Special Resolution
  6. President’s Report
  7. Elections
  8. Motion to Adjourn

Following the meeting there will be light refreshments and a chance to chat  with His Worship, Mayor Mike Little.

The District of North Vancouver has failed 2 generations of youth in Lynn Valley.

For the past 24 years, Lynn Valley has been trying to get a Youth Centre for teenagers to have a safe place to gather, connect and have some fun. For those that were 13 years old in 2000, they would now be 37 years old and could have teenagers of their own.

Lynn Valley is one of the designated Town Centres in the District of North Vancouver, with one of the fastest growing populations in the District, yet there is a singular lack of investment for youth.

LVCA sent a letter to Mayor Little and Council outlining the funds that have been set aside, a timeline of action taken (or not) with call for Mayor and Coucil to ‘support and prioritize’ this long overdue project.


We were extremely happy to have this project put back on the agenda for council. With the increase of density and development, Lynn Valley is attracting more and more families. We want to make sure we have a vibrant, thriving community with engagement from ALL our residents.


The issue was picked up by the North Shore News giving Mayor Little opportunity to address our concerns. He said “It has a challenged past of finding consensus,”

Dogs, People and Parks

In keeping with the guidance in the Parks and Open Spaces Strategic Plan 2012, the North Vancouver District is working to continue developing guidelines for parks and trail planning that promote safety and enjoyment for all.

They have heard many comments and requests from the community that relate to dogs in District Parks. Along with a desire to create new opportunities to recreate with dogs in parks, they also hear about conflicts relating to interactions with dogs, waste management, environmental concerns and more.

The District wants to hear from you whether you are a dog owner or not.

This survey will take about 15 minutes to complete all sections. Most questions are optional so you don’t have to answer every question, however, click through to the end of the survey to ensure your responses are submitted.

Deadline DECEMBER 5TH.


DNV Urban Tree Canopy Project

A more diverse and healthy urban tree canopy will help us take action against climate change and increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat.

Plant a tree, make a difference.

The DNV is enhancing the urban tree canopy by giving free trees to homeowners, and plants or shrubs to people living in apartments and condos, as part of their Urban Tree Canopy Project.

Program history

The DNV invited residential property owners to participate in the inaugural Urban Tree Canopy program in 2021. 

In 2022, they expanded the program so those living in apartments or condos could receive a plant or shrub for their balcony. This year’s program offers a variety of tree and shrub species: cedar, fir, dogwood, shore pine, big leaf maple, willow, Nootka rose, woolly sunflower, tall Oregon grape, and Douglas aster.

To date, District residents have received 689 trees and shrubs to plant and help grow our tree canopy. 

The Urban Tree Canopy program is run in partnership with Coast Salish Plant Nursery and the Wild Bird Trust. Funds from the environmental compensation fee account were used to run the program.

Register today!


To get your free plants, fill out the online linked above before Sept. 15, 2023. All plants are available while supplies last.

How the program works

If you own or rent a home in the District, you can apply to receive three trees and/or three shrubs for free, depending on your available space.

To request your free plants, fill out the online form linked above before September 15, 2023.

All plants are available while supplies last. DNV will be providing substitutions if any plant species run out.

After you submit your request

You’ll receive a confirmation email after submitting the online form. They will also email you approximately two weeks before the plant pick up days (Oct. 21 and 22) with more information about pickup times and parking, etc.

Picking up your trees or shrubs

You can pick up your plants at the Maplewood Flats Conservation Area (2649 Dollarton Hwy) on October 21 or 22, 2023. If you’re unavailable on the days above, and are unable to have someone else pick up your plants, email iwantatree@dnv.org to arrange a different time

If you’d like to know more about the native plants being offered, and which ones are suitable for your yard or balcony, refer to the plant information sheet (PDF file link) and by visiting the website to view videos on the program, how to choose, how to plant and care for your plants and so much more@

Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage – and Parking Lot Sale

The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back! Two days of bargain hunting May 27 & 28, 9:30AM – noon (although you’re welcome to start earlier and end later!) – and a garage is not necessary to participate!

The team at LynnValleyLife is putting together the ultimate map for bargain hunters. If you are thinking spring garage sale – this is the weekend to do it!  LynnValleyLife will gather participant addresses and distribute the map on social media and by email. They will even have some signs you can print off to direct buyers to your block.

No garages need – there’s a parking lot sale

Not everyone has a garage, so LynnValleyLife has partnered with St. Clements Anglican Church (3400 Institute Road) to offer their parking lot for the morning of Saturday, May 28th – to bring a table or use your trunk to sell your items. To sign up for a parking lot spot at the church, please email robin@lynnvalleylife.com To register your address, visit the SIGN UP form.

Artists and Makers are welcome!

Increased neighbourhood traffic might also be an opportunity for crafters or makers to show their wares. If you want to open your driveway or garage to show your handiwork – you too can sign up with your ‘garage’ address or for a parking lot spot. You will be added to the map!

Adopt a Street Program

Did you Know you can Adopt A Street?

By volunteering to adopt a street or trail and regularly collecting litter you improve the neighbourhood for everyone. It can be a family affair, including kids in the process, and you’ll get a bit of exercise as well. It’s easy to do, and you are sure to meet a few appreciative neighbours while you are out doing the job.

The District supplies trash grabbers, hi-vis vests, and some garbage bags to get you started. The minimum commitment is only once a month, but you can do it more often.

This is a great opportunity for community associations, local businesses, schools, sports teams, individuals, and families to make a difference in our community. You can even challenge and inspire other groups or neighbours to see who can keep the cleanest street.

When you adopt a street, you can:

  • build a stronger sense of community in your neighbourhood
  • get to know your neighbours
  • improve your street
  • reduce litter, vandalism, and crime in your area

Do we have any volunteers willing for LVCA to adopt a street? Let us know! We’ll for a ‘posse’ and head out!

All the information can be found here: https://www.dnv.org/programs-and…/adopt-street-program

Zoning Bylaw Amendment for Cannabis Store in Lynn Valley

WHEN: February 7, 2023 @ 7pm

A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on February 7th in a hybrid format with a combination of in-person at the Council Chamber and electronic participation by some or all members of council, staff and the public.

Currently a ‘Cannabis Retail Store’ is not listed as a permitted use of property for the Lynn Valley Town Centre and there is a proposal – Bylaw 8607 – to change the Zoning to allow it.

Council wants to hear from us and welcomes our input regarding this change.

When and How: The Public Hearing will take place on Tuesday, February 7th 2023 at 7pm. You can sign up to speak at the hearing by contacting the Municipal Clerk at signup@dnv.org prior to 3pm on Tue. Feb. 7th 2023. You may also provide a written submission at any time prior to the close of the public hearing by sending it by email to the Municipal Clerk at input@dnv.org or by mail to Municipal Clerk, 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5

After the speakers list has been exhausted, there will be an opportunity for additional speakers who had not signed up in advance to make submissions. * editor’s note: this will be at Council’s discretion

PLEASE NOTE! Once this public hearing is over, you will NOT be able to submit further opinions concerning this application. So if you have questions or concerns – NOW is the time to speak up.

Need more info?

For your convenience we’ve made the notice for the hearing from the District of North Vancouver available here. DOWNLOAD PDF

Additional relevant background material and copies of the bylaw are available fo review at the Clerk’s Office or online at www.DNV.org/public-hearing

Sewer Upgrades along Mountain Hwy

In the coming weeks, work will beginning to replace the sewer on Mountain Hwy between approximately East 24th and East 18th Street.

The District of North Vancouver has identified that the sanitary trunk sewer along Mountain Hwy is nearing its end of useful life and is due for replacement. The new trunk sewer will be installed using micro-tunneling methods meant to be less disruptive, less expensive and more environmentally friendly compared to traditional methods.

We’ve attached a PDF of the letter and map of the area to be worked on from the District, outlining the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ but the ‘when’ (duration) will depend. Apparently it will take one year to complete. They expect to keep one lane of traffic open in each direction for the duration.

Note that vehicle access to and from East 20th Street via Mountain Hwy will be closed.

Updates can be found at : www.dnv.org/lynn-valley-sewer/ and if you have any questions or concerns about this project, you can contact the project team directly by email at: LynnValleySewer@dnv.org or by phone (604) 990-2450.

DNV Letter and Map PDF