The 2024 Parade of Trees Winner is …

With the last ornament packed away. lights wrapped, carpets rolled up and the stands and sand bags tucked away for another year, we finally get down to the challenging task of counting the online ballots and announcing a winners for the People’s Choice Tree, Best School Tree and the Organizer’s Choice Tree. It took a bit of time to sort through the votes and tally up.

We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting the results so without further ado, here they are . . . *drumroll please*

The People’s Choice Tree:  Monika’s Art Boutique

Best School Tree: Eastview Elementary School

Organizer’s Choice Tree: Forest Fairy Books & Toys

A special thank you once again to our Partners: (click on the name to be directed to their websites)

District of North Vancouver RONA: BH Allen Building Center Ltd. Lynn Valley Village Twin Lions Contracting and Great Canadian Landscaping Company

And to you, our “You + One” Shining Stars”, your generosity is duly noted. (in alpha order)

Absolute Landscaping; Amphitrite Homes; Bailey Environmental; Bee Haven; Brockton School; Collingwood School; Dominque Canedo; Jeff and Jonny Donohoe; Kelsie and; Lynn Valley Counselling; Lynn Valley Life Group; North Shore Orthodontics; North Vancouver Recreation and Culture; Powerhouse Team; Spectrum Mother’s Support Society; The Grove and Zazou.

Our thanks to this great team who stepped up to take down, load up and chip up the trees Absolute Landscaping, we love you!

A special thank you to Gillian Konst and Stefanie Donohoe for their dedication, tireless energy and incredible positivity for making it all come together.

And a big thank you to all of YOU who pitched in to make this event come together – our sponsors and volunteers. It takes a community to make events like this a success.

PS Let us know if you want us to save you a tree for next year!


It’s official – we’re a sell out!

And we couldn’t have done it without you! We are so thankful for your ongoing support and sponsorship of this event. Your generousity will make a tremendous impact on our cause and we would like to express our sincere appreciation for your dedication.

Your kindness and support has enabled us to provide funds to Sharing Abundance, a local charity that provides meals and community connection for the unhoused, disadvantaged, socially isolated members of our community – and it means the world to us. Everyone of you rose to the occasion and we will have an amazing display that’s going to spread some Christmas magic and cheer

We have a record number of “You + One” Sponsors – companies/people who have purchased an additional tree to be gifted to a school or not for profit organization, and a small but dedicated group of volunteers that with “many hands make light work”. Watch our facebook page as we recognize their efforts in the coming weeks. Remember to LIKE our page while you’re there. *smile*

VOTING OPENS DECEMBER 1ST after the lighting ceremony.

Head over to Lynn Valley Village and locate the QR code on the signage to scan and vote. *One vote per person please!

From all of us at Lynn Valley Community Association, our thanks!

P.S. a list of sponsors will be published shortly.

P.P.S. missed getting a tree? Email lynnvalleyca[at]gmail[dot]com to be placed on a waiting should a tree become available.

2024 AGM Nov. 7th

Lynn Valley Community Association AGM
Thursday, November 7th at 7:00pm
Mollie Nye House, 940 Lynn Valley Road

Mark your calendars for our Annual General Meeting on November 7th. This is more than just a meeting, it’s your chance to shape the future of our community. Afterward, stay for an open Q&A session with Mayor Mike Little, where you can ask questions, share concerns, and engage in meaningful dialogue about what matters most to you.

How important is your community to you?

Whether you’re new to our neighbourhood or have been here all your life, you’re the reason we exist. If you missed the excitement of the Fall Fun Fair or are looking forward to hunting Easter Eggs and the amazing displays at our Christmas Tree Parade, these events show the heart of our neighborhood. They bring us together, and we want to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Your input helps us continue planning events that foster connection and keep our community thriving.
We’d love to meet you!

All are welcome to attend but a reminder that only members in good standing may vote.

Not a member? Click here to become one!


  1. Call to Order
  2. Proof of Notice
  3. Adoption of Agenda
  4. Approval of Financial Reports
  5. Approval of Special Resolution
  6. President’s Report
  7. Elections
  8. Motion to Adjourn

Following the meeting there will be light refreshments and a chance to chat  with His Worship, Mayor Mike Little.

2024 All Candidates Meeting Oct. 7th

All Candidates Meeting
Monday, October 7th at 7:00 – 9:30pm
Hillside Baptist Church, 870 Lynn Valley Road

Mark your calendars for the All Candidates Meeting ahead of the Provincial election on October 19th! This is your chance to hear directly from the candidates, ask questions, and learn more about their platforms. No need to register—just show up and join the discussion. It’s a great opportunity to get informed and have your voice heard before election day!

What is an All-Candidates Meeting?
At an All-Candidates Meeting, residents have a chance to hear from the candidates, evaluate
political platforms, and ask questions about current issues. All nominees running for MP in a
particular district are invited to gather and share their views. These events are non-partisan,
meaning all political parties are invited and attendees get to hear about the issues from many
different perspectives. The focus may be broad and cover a range of issues, or be focused on
an issue of particular importance to the hosting group.

25th Annual Arts in the Garden

Arts in the Garden hosted by North Van Arts is an annual outdoor community event based on the North Shore. A perennial favourite for art and garden lovers everywhere. Gardens and all variety of artists will be positively blooming and workshops will help everyone to grow their talents!

This year it takes place this coming Saturday, May 25 and Sunday, May 26, bringing visual artists, musicians, performers, and workshops to ten outdoor spaces across the North Shore.

This event is an encounter of people and is in its 25th year running. Hosted on the last weekend of May, Arts in the Garden has been bringing arts to garden spaces across the North Shore since 1999. The event has been expanding and changing ever since its creation, gradually adding a minimum of two visual artists in each garden, and live music throughout the full event weekend. In 2021, the online event expanded to include performance arts, engagement activities, and workshops. Each of these elements were brought into 2022’s in-person event, along with Feathers and Fungi, a workshop series hosted at Maplewood Flats in partnership with Wild Bird Trust of BC.

All Arts in the Garden locations are listed on the webpage panels linked in the menu, or through the ‘read the event guide’ tab below. Garden pages include parking and transporation information.

The Event Guide: It is online only.

Most garden spaces have an entry fee of $5 cash. West Vancouver Memorial Library, Harmony Garden, Loutet Farm and Maplewood Flats have entrance by donation. Children under the age of 12 can enter for free.

$35 Garden Passes are available for purchase online or at CityScape Community ArtSpace (335 Lonsdale Avenue, North Vancouver) in advance of the event, or at each garden venue during the event weekend. North Van Arts members get a 10$ discount on the garden pass. Call 604-988-6844 for more information.


Bring Cash: Garden entry fees and donations are cash only! Some artists and performers will be selling their work at the event, so bring cash and your card so that you are prepared to make a purchase.

Look for Signage: Each garden will be marked by a tent hosting one or two volunteers ready to greet you.

Locations and ticket details here:

Eggs-citing Easter Fun! Saturday, March 30th

Hop along to the Lynn Valley Village on Saturday, March 30th, between 10am and 12pm for some Eggs-cellent Easter Fun with the Lynn Valley Community Association.

LVCA invites you to join us for some free family fun and games.  Put your best sleuthing skills to work and ‘get cracking’ with a scavenger hunt… prizes for all! 

Colour an Easter card that will be collected and distributed to a senior in our community.  Take home an Easter craft and be amazed by our roving magic show!

Arrive early for a special Easter storytime starting at 10:15am in the Community Room.

Come chick it out!

EXTENDED TO OCT. 1ST! Bookmark Design Contest

There’s still a chance to have your creation in books around Lynn Valley!

Create a bookmark with what you love the most about Lynn Valley.

Use crayons, paint, pastels and your imagination!

Winning designs will be distributed at the library.

How to enter:

  • Bookmark design should be 21x9cm in dimension (8×3.5 inches)
  • Scan and email your entry to or
  • Put it in an envelope and drop it off at 3171 Mountain Highway on or before OCTOBER 1ST, 2023

Remember to include your name, age, and a way to reach you.



By submitting your entry you agree to have your design reproduced, shared and distributed for all to enjoy!

Great Lynn Valley Neighbourhood Garage – and Parking Lot Sale

The annual Great Neighbourhood Garage Sale is back! Two days of bargain hunting May 27 & 28, 9:30AM – noon (although you’re welcome to start earlier and end later!) – and a garage is not necessary to participate!

The team at LynnValleyLife is putting together the ultimate map for bargain hunters. If you are thinking spring garage sale – this is the weekend to do it!  LynnValleyLife will gather participant addresses and distribute the map on social media and by email. They will even have some signs you can print off to direct buyers to your block.

No garages need – there’s a parking lot sale

Not everyone has a garage, so LynnValleyLife has partnered with St. Clements Anglican Church (3400 Institute Road) to offer their parking lot for the morning of Saturday, May 28th – to bring a table or use your trunk to sell your items. To sign up for a parking lot spot at the church, please email To register your address, visit the SIGN UP form.

Artists and Makers are welcome!

Increased neighbourhood traffic might also be an opportunity for crafters or makers to show their wares. If you want to open your driveway or garage to show your handiwork – you too can sign up with your ‘garage’ address or for a parking lot spot. You will be added to the map!

Meet Me at the Gallery

Are you a Senior? Love art? Love meeting new people?

Meet Me at The Gallery is a daytime art program at The Polygon Gallery dedicated to enriching the lives of seniors in our community with monthly get-togethers inspired by the gallery’s current exhibitions.

Visitors are invited to drop-in on the first Wednesday of every month at 10:00 am to make new connections with art, and each other! A different activity will greet visitors every month, with social time to follow.

Admission is by donation, free for members

For more info and registration visit: