New Items Added to the Blue Bin!

Recycling is important. Did you know that by choosing to recycle and reducing your carbon footprint, you are playing a vital role in reducing the damaging effect to the environment.

The more people choose to recycle, the greater the impact recycling will have.

Recycling helps extend the life and usefulness of something that has already served its initial purpose by reducing it back to its raw materials and then repurposing those materials to produce something that is once again useable. It’s part of the three golden rules of sustainability (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle)

Good News!

More items have been added to BC’s recycling system so that more items can be put into our Blue Bin or dropped off at a depot.

We can now put single-use cups, cutlery, bowls, plates, and aluminum foil into the Blue Bin.

For a full list and information visit:

Sewer Upgrades along Mountain Hwy

In the coming weeks, work will beginning to replace the sewer on Mountain Hwy between approximately East 24th and East 18th Street.

The District of North Vancouver has identified that the sanitary trunk sewer along Mountain Hwy is nearing its end of useful life and is due for replacement. The new trunk sewer will be installed using micro-tunneling methods meant to be less disruptive, less expensive and more environmentally friendly compared to traditional methods.

We’ve attached a PDF of the letter and map of the area to be worked on from the District, outlining the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ but the ‘when’ (duration) will depend. Apparently it will take one year to complete. They expect to keep one lane of traffic open in each direction for the duration.

Note that vehicle access to and from East 20th Street via Mountain Hwy will be closed.

Updates can be found at : and if you have any questions or concerns about this project, you can contact the project team directly by email at: or by phone (604) 990-2450.

DNV Letter and Map PDF

All Candidates Meeting registration

Join us as LVCA hosts an All Candidates meeting on October 5th, 7pm at the Lynn Valley Rec Centre.

This is your chance to meet the candidates running for (re)election in the District of North Vancouver.who are hoping for your vote in the election for Council.    

As space is limited, we appreciate you registering in advance and telling us your (2) two top questions/concerns you would like addressed at this meeting. 


** Registration Form **

We look forward to seeing you! 

If you want change in your community, become educated on who you are voting for… don’t cast a vote just because you recognize a name.


Water Conservation

The Metro Vancouver region – that includes us here on the North Shore – experiences a 50% increase in potable water use, attributed primarily to lawn watering, during summer months.

Did You Know? Last year’s ‘heat dome’ led to 1.795 billion litres (yes, that’s billion with a ‘b’!) of potable (drinkable) water used in one day across our region.

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Have you noticed Lynn Valley’s new Street Banners?

You may have spotted some beautiful new street banners in and around our Town Centre.

LVCA spearheaded the project to replace the old faded and torn banners that had seen better days.  Three local artists Vicki English, Dana Irving and Duane Murrin were invited to submit their designs for consideration in the creation of the new banners.  

Choosing a design was tough, but after much consideration and deliberation, the LVCA Board chose long time Lynn Valley resident Duane Murrin’s submission. His bold and colourful designs stand out on even the greyest of days and remind us how lucky we are to be living in Lynn Valley: a stunning “Gateway to Nature”.

We are grateful to the District of North Vancouver who provided funding for the new banners through a Community Building Grant.  

Find out more about Duane Murrin’s art here >>> Duane Murrin website

Lynn Valley LINK

If you are looking for a walk close to home without the bother of driving and finding parking, try the convenient, close to home, Lynn Valley LINK.  

Phase 1 of the Lynn Valley LINK, a project initiated by the LVCA, opened in September 2017 using existing trails and streets to circumnavigate the community of Lynn Valley.  

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