UPDATE: There are two very significant planning proposals for the Lynn Valley Town Centre. One is for the existing Safeway site and the other is for the Black Bear site.
We wrote to Mayor and Council to share our concerns about these applications and subsequently have engaged with Council and staff.
You can read the full letter here: Development Proposal(s) for Lynn Valley Town Center
Public input has now been extended on the Safeway site until Monday April 4th at 5pm.
Public input on the Black Bear site is due to start on April 6, and instead of running for only two weeks, will now be open for four weeks.
Taking 5 minutes of your time now can shape the community we live in for many years to come. Yes, your voice counts. Use this link:
Council needs to hear from you and we encourage you to share your feedback. Only by having input from as many people as possible will Council know the Community’s wishes. It is up to us all to be part of the conversation so that we can help shape our community for the future.
The vision for Lynn Valley is enshrined in the Official Community Plan (OCP) along with a “Flexible Planning Framework” developed specifically for Lynn Valley. The Flexible Framework approved by Council in 2013, “allows the community to help shape the future look, feel and functionality of the area by being involved in redevelopment proposals and re-zonings for the Town Centre, particularly those that ask to exceed eight storeys”.
LVCA considers how applications stack up against the OCP and the Flexible Framework.
– Are they within the guidelines?
– Do they fit with the “Mountain Village Look and Feel”?
– Is our infrastructure keeping pace?
We encourage you to ask your own questions. Learn more about our OCP, the vision for Lynn Valley Town Centre, the Flexible Framework and the significant development proposals recently received by District of North Vancouver on their web site:
Additional Links:
Lynn Valley Town Centre | District of North Vancouver
OCP Lynn Valley Town Centre
Remember: Your Opinion Matters. You Need To Be Heard.
Here’s the link again. https://dnv.civilspace.io/en/projects/1170-e-27th-street
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