WHEN: February 7, 2023 @ 7pm
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on February 7th in a hybrid format with a combination of in-person at the Council Chamber and electronic participation by some or all members of council, staff and the public.
Currently a ‘Cannabis Retail Store’ is not listed as a permitted use of property for the Lynn Valley Town Centre and there is a proposal – Bylaw 8607 – to change the Zoning to allow it.
Council wants to hear from us and welcomes our input regarding this change.
When and How: The Public Hearing will take place on Tuesday, February 7th 2023 at 7pm. You can sign up to speak at the hearing by contacting the Municipal Clerk at signup@dnv.org prior to 3pm on Tue. Feb. 7th 2023. You may also provide a written submission at any time prior to the close of the public hearing by sending it by email to the Municipal Clerk at input@dnv.org or by mail to Municipal Clerk, 355 West Queens Road, North Vancouver, BC V7N 4N5
After the speakers list has been exhausted, there will be an opportunity for additional speakers who had not signed up in advance to make submissions. * editor’s note: this will be at Council’s discretion
PLEASE NOTE! Once this public hearing is over, you will NOT be able to submit further opinions concerning this application. So if you have questions or concerns – NOW is the time to speak up.
Need more info?
For your convenience we’ve made the notice for the hearing from the District of North Vancouver available here. DOWNLOAD PDF
Additional relevant background material and copies of the bylaw are available fo review at the Clerk’s Office or online at www.DNV.org/public-hearing