With the last ornament packed away. lights wrapped, carpets rolled up and the stands and sand bags tucked away for another year, we finally get down to the challenging task of counting the online ballots and announcing a winners for the People’s Choice Tree, Best School Tree and the Organizer’s Choice Tree. It took a bit of time to sort through the votes and tally up.
We know you’ve been eagerly awaiting the results so without further ado, here they are . . . *drumroll please*

The People’s Choice Tree: Monika’s Art Boutique
Best School Tree: Eastview Elementary School
Organizer’s Choice Tree: Forest Fairy Books & Toys
A special thank you once again to our Partners: (click on the name to be directed to their websites)
District of North Vancouver RONA: BH Allen Building Center Ltd. Lynn Valley Village Twin Lions Contracting and Great Canadian Landscaping Company
And to you, our “You + One” Shining Stars”, your generosity is duly noted. (in alpha order)
Absolute Landscaping; Amphitrite Homes; Bailey Environmental; Bee Haven; Brockton School; Collingwood School; Dominque Canedo; Jeff and Jonny Donohoe; Kelsie and Morgan.com; Lynn Valley Counselling; Lynn Valley Life Group; North Shore Orthodontics; North Vancouver Recreation and Culture; Powerhouse Team; Spectrum Mother’s Support Society; The Grove and Zazou.
Our thanks to this great team who stepped up to take down, load up and chip up the trees Absolute Landscaping, we love you!
A special thank you to Gillian Konst and Stefanie Donohoe for their dedication, tireless energy and incredible positivity for making it all come together.
And a big thank you to all of YOU who pitched in to make this event come together – our sponsors and volunteers. It takes a community to make events like this a success.
PS Let us know if you want us to save you a tree for next year!