Notice of 2019/20 & 2020/2021 Annual General Meetings

Please join us for TWO Annual General Meetings on Thursday November 4th at 7pm via Zoom.

Our 2019/20 AGM was postponed due to COVID and the recommendations of the Vancouver Health Authority.  We had hoped to meet in person however that was put on hold with subsequent ‘waves’ and our concern for the safety of our members and community.

While are disappointed not to be able to meet in person., the LVCA Board agreed that the online option is currently the safest for all our members.

The 2019/20 AGM will take place on Thursday November 4th at 7pm, via Zoom. 

Following the adjournment of this AGM, we will hold the 2020/21 AGM.

Please email if you wish to attend and a link will be sent to you shortly before the meeting.

Your Time to Shine.

If you love living in Lynn Valley then consider joining our Board.  Do you enjoy the Parade of Trees?  Value the parks and trails in your neighbourhood?  Are you concerned about crime?  Do you have bookkeeping skills?  What about a flair for writing newsletters? Or maybe you have a hidden talent for wordpress sites. We need you to be a part of our organization as a Board member so we can continue to make Lynn Valley the place best place to live!  

If you are interested in making Lynn Valley the best place to live and want to find out more. please email